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Youth Blog...... ; Sunday, February 07, 2010

Hello , youths !! oh,ya , if you guys wanna to post please come and get the email and password from me personally.. please dun sms me and ask from me i will not give you de..It is for a safety.. thks :) This is a blog to record for ALL youth group activites.. I will try to post something about the youth group on every thursday... So please check the youth blog to see if there is any new post .. thks !! hahas...

Ice Skating on Sunday 31/1/10 ; Sunday, February 07, 2010

Hello everybody !! Jenn here!! Even though, i did not go for the ice skating but i heard that you people say that it is super fun !! Ehh, WAIT !! I know you are going ask me why i never go , i should have gone.. I will tell you the reasons... 1 St-I don't like going this kinda of place, please dun tell me about wat next time my boyfriend going to bring and i will not know how to skate .. i don't care.. Even if i have datin wif my boyfriend i will also not going THERE !! hahas.. 2nd - I hate this kinda of activities.. hahas... But i hope you guys like it !!

We are the Christian Gospel Mission Youths ! Being taught by Mr Choo.. Members are Jenn,Amelia,Michelle,Enlin,Jia Wei,Whitney,Yee Yang,Yee Le,Yao Yang ,Yao Guang,Wei Xiao,En Qi,Ambrose,Benedict,Xue Liang,Jeran and Charlene
WE love God!!

Speak up
x o x o x