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New Song ; Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sorry my dear frens for not posting for so long... I will try to post k?? Cos very busy this few days this few weeks infact .. sorry..

Three weeks ago mr choo taught us how to have our own and personal new song.. This is what i sing with no confident to God
I love you LOrd pour down your holy spirit on us.. I love you Lord... You bless us... Pour down...

THe End :) posting soon !! Jenn

We are the Christian Gospel Mission Youths ! Being taught by Mr Choo.. Members are Jenn,Amelia,Michelle,Enlin,Jia Wei,Whitney,Yee Yang,Yee Le,Yao Yang ,Yao Guang,Wei Xiao,En Qi,Ambrose,Benedict,Xue Liang,Jeran and Charlene
WE love God!!

Speak up
x o x o x